Web site created by Microstudios - copyright 2009 c 
Phone line issues
Q - I have a normal single telephone line and would like to be able to play messages
on-hold. What do I have to do?
A - Microstudios can supply you an inexpensive audio device that plugs into your
existing phone line that allows you to connect a CD player, PC or Digital Player. It also
includes a line isolation Unit that is required by Telstra.
Q - In reference to call waiting on a normal single telephone line with an audio device
that plays messages on-hold, whilst using call waiting, do my messages play or
Telstra's call waiting music?
A - Telstra's call waiting music plays.
Q - I have a very busy workplace and find it hard to answer the phone as soon as it
rings, I only have a single line. Can you help in any way.
A - Yes, we can provide an automatic attendant that answers your phone with a
greeting we produce. After the greeting the caller is automatically placed on hold where
they listen to your normal on-hold program. Your phone rings every 15 seconds to
remind you of the call on hold.
Q - I have 2 individual phone lines (no PABX) and want to provide messages on-hold on
both lines. Do I need to purchase two audio devices and players for each line.
A - No, if you only want to use the hold feature on 1 line at a time. We can either
provide a manual or automatic switch to allow this. If however you want to use the hold
feature on both lines at the same time then you need to purchase 2 devices.
Q - I have several incoming lines and use a PABX, but I have no input for audio devices
to be connected whilst on-hold. What do I have to do?
A - You need to contact either the supplier or manufacturer of your phone system to
provide the feature.
Messages On-hold
Q - I only have a very small business and want to inform my customers whilst they wait
on-hold, but do not want to sound cheap. I always had the impression that only large
companies can afford professional productions, can you provide affordable solutions.
A - Definitely YES. We can provide inexpensive productions for very modest budgets.
Actually all our productions are of the same quality irrespective of the price, the only
thing that varies is the amount of content and its complexity. Actually, our customised
messages with royalty free music probably work out cheaper than paying 1 years
licensing fee to APRA for playing the radio or a CD.
Q - We already have a messages on-hold provider who we are happy with, why should
we consider Microstudios.
A - If you are happy with all aspects of your current provider then the reasons to
consider Microstudios will be mainly limited to Price (we are and will always remain very
competitive), point of difference (we can provide something different), a friendly smile
(we are happy to be of service, whether you do or don't do business with us, we are
happy that you have considered contacting us).
Q - What is the best system to use for playing my messages on-hold?
A - It all depends upon your requirements. Microstudios can inform you about the pros
and cons based upon your business. The most reliable and easy to use are digital
players (similar in principal to portable MP3 players). The messages are provided on an
industry standard memory card that either we program and deliver to you or email the
files for you to copy onto the card. You then plug in the card and forget about it until you
next want an update. No moving parts to wear out, motors to burn or lasers to frizzle.
PCs are also another alternative giving you more flexibility, however long term reliability
including system lock ups are an issue, especially as you would not know if it is not
working until a caller complains.
Music Licensing
Q - I wish to play the Radio or a commercial CD on my phone systems On-hold. Do I
need any licenses.
A - Yes you MUST pay an annual license fee to APRA, which is based on the amount of
phone lines you have. This has only been in force for a relatively short period, as before
both Telstra and Optus were paying for the license. Now, the onus has now been
passed on to you!
Actually, Microstudios can produce you customised messages with royalty free music
that does not require an annual license starting from about the same price as 1 years
license for a single line.
Q - I am using on-hold message software and need to copy music from my CD into the
PC to use for our on-hold. Does my APRA license cover this.
A - No, you actually need mechanical rights to be able to copy a CD into your PC.
These can be obtained from AMCOS or APRA who can also handle the license. These
licenses need to be obtained on a single song basis. You also need a license from
ARIA. If you are going to have messages with the music then you also require a
clearance from the copyright holders of each song. Please note you still need an APRA
license to be able to play the music. Microstudios can supply music that does not
require any such licenses.
Q - I wish to make a compilation of songs on a CD from several of my CDs to play on-
hold. Does my APRA license cover this.
A - No again, similar situation to question above.
Q - The time and cost of obtaining licenses etc is not worth the trouble, do I have an
A - YES, you can have custom messages made that include royalty free music.
Alternatively you can buy royalty free music yourself, however it is generally relatively
expensive and you still need to be careful of the licensing rights as they vary from one
copyright holder to the other. It doesn't take a genius to work out that customised
messages are the best and cheapest option.
Please Note - Although it may be tempting to play or compile your music and play it
without all the necessary licenses, it is definitely not advisable. Besides doing the wrong
thing you leave your business open to the risk of prosecution. It only needs one phone
call from APRA to get caught.
Frequently Asked Questions